Keep CTRL: Event-Design for OXS19
H&H Brand Works again designed and implemented the annual Summit for Open-Xchange in Madrid in 2019!
The motto to be developed by H&H should express that providers get back control of their business when they present themselves not only as a middleman for third party software and cloud solutions. But rather as a provider of SaaS solutions, e.g. based on OX App Suite.
This gave rise to the motto: “KEEP CTRL OF YOUR BUSINESS. JOIN THE 2ND FORCE.”, which was appropriately playfully implemented with historical controllers, real icons of computer history, in the Modern Art style of H&H.
In addition to the key visuals used as headers for the website and social media accounts, as well as large-format prints in front of and inside the venue, for the sponsor booths, for roll-ups, banners, etc., H&H also further developed the theme as an Art-O-Mat, with which you could design and print your own art poster. And as a milestones wall with highlights of the open source movement, as t-shirts with the controller icon, as beer coasters with nerd jokes, etc.
What will events look like in the future?
No one can say when the next events will be able to take place again in their present form. But in the long run, it won’t work without events where people can exchange ideas face-to-face, make contacts and maintain existing ones. We humans are simply not made for that. Initial attempts at digital events were perhaps not quite what was expected, but surprisingly much, much better than expected.
Apple successfully extended its Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC to the web years before Corona for anyone who couldn’t travel to California. And completely virtualized it in 2020, completely virtualized it. Granted, the effort Apple is putting into this is really big, but it proves that it really works.
We don’t think, the future will be all virtual events, but rather hybrid events, with face-to-face meetings in smaller, more exclusive settings and product presentations and workshops in digital form.

What might that look like for you?
Let’s talk about it:
Key Visuals

Landingpage & Social Media
Teaser- and Transition-Video
(Sound on!)
Sponsors booths

Meeting rooms
Beer coaster

Cocktail napkins with “Pac-Man” theme
